learn scrabble

Ways to Elevate Your Scrabble Game

If you are like most players, you may think that it takes several years to be good at scrabble and computer programs. Although the scrabble requires dedication and effort, it needs reflection and self-awareness. Therefore, there is a need to be aware of study strengths, habits, and weaknesses. After this, you can plan how you can improve your skills. If you are not sure how you can improve your game, the following are some of the ways of elevating your game.


The biggest skill and time commitment between scrabble and various other games is that scrabble needs knowledge and ability to find words. In fact, even the common words and short words you have memorialized can be quite challenging to find during the course of the Scrabble game. You should note that finding words needs a word study program or even practicing an outlet to improve word knowledge. Ideally, finding words is not sufficient; you should find words consistently and quickly.

Review Your Games

It does not matter whether it is thinking about key moves in the game or using different tools to examine plays; there is a need to find something to learn. For instance, if there is a position that is strategically ambiguous, you should come up with a strategy to deal with awkward situations. You can develop a technique that can help you find missed play consistently.

Watch Top Players

There are different websites that have different libraries of annotated games, and you can see the top players in the world. A great way of elevating your game is by looking at top players’ games and determining what you can do in a given situation. You can then compare the findings with plays of the best players.

Develop a Plan to Fix Your Mistakes

After identifying your mistakes, it is a good idea to perform different exercises that can help you fix the mistakes. If you miss playing scrabble, blank bingos, you can play against yourself with a rack that contains a blank. Also, you can create a board heavy on parallel plays and through different racks to find ideal parallel play options.

Interact with Other Players

When you talk to friends about scrabble, you can introduce yourself to new approaches and perspectives to different tactics and strategies. You can also refine and simplify the approach you have. In fact, peers can help you study and are great tools for discussing strategy.